Saturday, January 25, 2020


The third teaming of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis.

Lewis is Pfc. Alvin Korwin a low man on the totem pole in the military. Dean Martin is 1st Sgt. Vic Puccinelli.

Vic treats Alvin like a low life and the two have a lot of misadventures in the service. I have to admit this wasn't a very funny movie, and it bored me which is shocking for a film with these two great talents.

Martin's character is a very mean spirited person who takes great pleasure in making Lewis's character look really stupid and this isn't in the least bit funny. It was rather shocking to see a "comedy" film so damned mean spirited.

When a film like this is boring, it's deadly. I cannot recommend this film to any comedy fan or Martin and Lewis fans. It was on a disc I bought so since I had never seen it, I figured I'd give it a look.

I'm sorry I did. Avoid.

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