Saturday, April 25, 2020


Another entry in the bizarre but fun series of films.

This film finds the masked wrestler known as Neutron fighting the evil Dr. Curante as the madman seeks the parts to create a Neutron Bomb and therefore control the world.

The doctor is aided by a criminal scientist and Curante's own army of hulking zombie slaves.

The criminal scientist, Prof. Walker (Claudio Brook) has a beautiful daughter named Nora (Rosita Arenas) whom Curante wants to kidnap and force Neutron and his buddies to give up the hidden formula and parts for the bomb.

This is a bit more lackluster than the other two films in the series, but it's still a lot of fun. The zombie slaves are pretty cool and it's always nice to see the sexy Arenas in any film.

If you've seen the other films you will probably like this one as well. The print is from a very nice 16mm and doesn't give one much reason to complain. Recommended for fans of bizarre Mexican cinema.

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