Sunday, April 5, 2020


Shout just keeps bringing them on.

Another in a long line of AIP films I have never had the chance to see until now.

Dorothy Provine is simply beautiful as Bonnie Parker, a young woman who wants a lot out of life and is sick of working in dead end jobs and meeting sleazy men.

She gets together with Guy Darrow (Jack Hogan) and together they rob small town liquor stores and gas stations, until Bonnie wants more and decides to take charge.

Guy is a somewhat laid back man while Bonnie is always wanting something. After she takes over they start robbing banks and making much more money, however they are always on the run from the police and one man in particular named Tom Steele (Douglas Kennedy) who has been hired by the US Government to hunt both of them down.

This is a highly fictionalized, but fun account of Parker. The movie is fast paced and it keeps moving along for a very quick 80 minutes. No female gangster ever looked as sexy as Provine does in this film.

The rest of the cast includes Ken Lynch, Richard Bakalyan, Joe Turkel, Pat Houston and Sidney Lassick. Shout continues to turn out these classic little American International Pictures on their Shout TV, and as you can see by some past things I've written here, I'm spending a lot of time catching up with them.

A huge thanks to Shout for putting these out, even in a streaming format so I can at least get a chance to see these little gems. If you're a fan of 50's AIP movies, I'd be heading over there to check things out.

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