Saturday, April 18, 2020


A very rare and well made WW2 film.

The plot takes place in 1944 and tells a German point of view on a battle during WW2.

The story revolves around some German parachute troops who are given the assignment to capture and keep a centuries old Abby on a rock coast in Italy known as Monte Cassino.

There are several sub plots as well including that of a beautiful young nurse named Inge (Antge Geerk) who happens to fall in love with a with a German soldier, Karl Christiansen (Dieter Eppler). They are separated often by his wartime duties, but they stay faithful to one another despite the fact that a German Lt. Reiter (Joachim Fuchsbergeer) has his sights set on Inge as well.

There is a good amount of action in this film and it plays well against the low key drama that unfolds. Harald Reinl directed this and I was actually surprised that his wife Karin Dor wasn't in the cast somewhere.

I saw this on Shout and decided to give it a shot, and was very pleased with the film. There isn't a lot of information out there about the movie, but if you like good WW2 dramas you might want to check this one out. It's not too bad at all.

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