Tuesday, April 28, 2020


Very strange film indeed.

This is an expressionistic version of Edgar Allen Poe's "Pit & The Pendulum". Made by the BFI, this short story is told with almost no dialogue, but it does have a great music score and Gregorian chants of a sort.

A man is sentenced by monks to a dark dungeon where they proceed to try to drive him mad. The lighting techniques are unique and some of the camera angles are distinctive and make the production even more bizarre.

The film has no happy ending and is one of the more creative things I have seen in a long time. It is extremely rare to find this film as it only runs 28 minutes. The BFI has a talent for making excellent horror tales, and this is an excellent example.

The Print from Sinister is very good and I cannot recommend this enough if you're a fan of obscure horror. Also included on this disc is an interview from Greg Luce's old Sinister Cinema TV show where he talks to author Bruce Dettman about actress Allison Hayes. Pretty cool stuff.

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