Friday, May 15, 2020


Sam Newfield directed this interesting Tim McCoy western.

This is one in a series of 8 films that Tim McCoy did as "Lightning Carson" an undercover cop in the early west.

In this outing, there has been a series of cattle thefts and Bill Carson and his small group go undercover as a band of gypsies to discover who is behind it all.

He uses many tricks to obtain fingerprints in order to catch the thieves. What I find interesting is that fingerprinting wasn't even used back n the days when this film takes place. It makes for odd viewing indeed.

Fingerprinting was used as far back as 1900, and this film takes place before that time. Tis film is an obscure one and I noted that there was only one small review of it listed on the IMDB, and the review also brings up the fingerprint issue.

This is, however, a fun film which mixes a lot of things from the then modern to the past and makes an interesting brew of a movie. McCoy is well fit for the role. The rest of the cast includes Ben Corbett, Harley Wood and Joyce Bryant.

If you like older westerns and want to see something really off beat then this might be the movie for you. I enjoyed it...a lot.

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