Wednesday, July 8, 2020


A good little film.

Ford Beebe directed this film which stars Johnny Sheffield as Bomba.

In this outing Bomba tries to stop some diamond smugglers from stealing a fortune hidden in the jungle. Arthur Space is one of the smugglers and he and his partner have enslaved a small tribe and if forcing them to work in the diamond mine.

Bomba runs across a beautiful woman looking for her missing father. Her name is Lita (Laurette Luez). Bomba agrees to help her and soon they discover the criminals.

Lita finds her father who has been enslaved as well and the smugglers believe they have killed Bomba. As it turns out they are wrong and Bomba captures them and proceeds to take them back to civilization to pay for their crimes.

However, the gangsters have a worse fate planned for them by mother nature. As I stated in the beginning of the review, I found this to be a good little film, and the action never slows down.

What makes this a special Bomba film for me is the fact that the gorgeous Laurette Luez stars in it. She is someone I never get to see enough of in movies and TV, but her beauty is stunning and I will watch anything with her in it.

The print on Amazon is very, very nice and as I have said before, if you're a fan of this kind of film, you won't be disappointed.

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