Monday, July 13, 2020


A long lost 70's film is finally given the Blu-ray treatment.

I guess it's not really a lost film, but it has had a bad history of being on very dark VHS releases and often butchered beyond belief. Now Vinegar Syndrome bring this epic to us in a beautiful blu-ray transfer.

Porno director James Woods made this film and it's his only non-skin flick. James Mathers stars as Henry Jekyll. It seems Henry is as insane as his great grandfather was.

Jekyll has his hulking assistant named Boris (Jake Pearson) kidnap people so he can use them as guinea pigs for his experimental aggression drug that was first created by his grand father.

He has them fight kung fu style in his basement dungeon and it usually ends up with one of the people dying, which Jekyll is trying to prevent but can't quite get it right.

He has invited one Professor Atkinson (John Kearney) to his home to help him. Atkinson's beautiful daughter was working with Jekyll before she died and Atkinson wants some answers.

He learns that his daughter Julia (Dawn Carver Kelly) isn't dead, she is being held captive by Jekyll. His experiments get more and more out of hand until everything comes crashing down.

This film really has it all. Kung Fu fighting, mad scientists, bondage, torture, cannibalism and so much more. The rest of the cast includes Tom Nickelson and Nadine Kalmes as the insane sister of Jekyll. Her performance is something to see.

I was knocked to the floor when I saw Vinegar Syndrome was actually releasing this and was even more astounded when I saw the quality of this film on Blu-ray. If you're into bizarre cinema this is simply a no brainer, if you can find it at the moment.

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