Friday, July 24, 2020


One of the best DVD releases ever.

This is a David Hewitt directed "spook show" in which monsters actually came out of the movie and into the audience to capture a young woman and take her back into the movie.

Theaters around the country used to have these kinds of shows all the time but especially around Halloween and they were quite fun to attend. This film is a fun 30 minutes and it stars Hewitt regular Vic McGee as a policeman named Lt. Hudson and as The Mad Doctor.

I cannot imagine anyone not liking this fun effort. This DVD is LOADED with so much fun!! In 3 and 1/2 hours you get to see the main attraction plus a 3D short called "Asylum Of The Insane", and yes, there are two pair of #D glasses included.

You also get to see 45 minutes of rare Spook Show previews which are priceless and Spooky Musical Soundies plus some great home movies such as "London After Midnight", "Dracula" and "The Mummy" made by young horror fans back in the day.

There is so much on this disc it's incredible and believe it or not it also features the 1960 Bert Gordon horror gem entitled "Tormented". If you ever wanted to see a disc that will really blow your mind this is it.

There is so much more than I have listed and it has always been one of my favorite releases from Something Weird and I just love the 4 plus minute opening in Hypnoscope. WOW!!! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!

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