Friday, August 28, 2020


This is a fine and often overlooked film of the horror genre.

John Brahm directed this tale about an old family curse.

The Hammond family seems to be under the curse of a strange creature who periodically kills members of said family. Oliver Hammond (John Howard) is attacked one night by the beast and barely survives.

His sister Helga (Heather Angel) refuses to believe in the curse of the monster until the above mentioned attack starts to make her think twice. She brings in an investigator named Robert Curtis (James Ellison) to find out what exactly is going on.

After much investigation and several attacks later it is discovered that Oliver himself is the monster and it has been covered up by the family doctor for many years.

The film is played as an average murder mystery until the final few minutes when you actually get a look at the werewolf monster of the title. Brahm handles the film with his usual finesse and it plays quite well. The restored Blu-ray of the film looks stunning and it was a pleasant surprise when Kino released this a while back.

If you like 40's horror films there is no reason not to like this semi-forgotten film from the early 40's. I recommend this title highly and if you want to see it do so.

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