Saturday, September 19, 2020


I had never seen this film before, but my soon to be wife Ginger said it was one of her favorite films, so we watched it the other night.

I have to admit, it's one of the most bizarre films I have seen as far as story goes.

On their way back home from a camping trip, a family consisting of George Henderson (John Lithgow), his wife Nancy (Melinda Dillon), their children Sarah (Margaret Langrick and son Ernie (Joshua Rudoy) accidentally hit a bigfoot creature with the car and they assume that it is dead.

Tying it to the top of their car they bring it home and George is hoping they make it big with this Bigfoot tale and actual proof. George wakes up in the middle of the night and discovers that the creature is alive and eating all of the food in the refrigerator. This is actually a great scene and very well done. The humor isn't slapstick, but comes off slow and paced which works well.

From then on it's a wild story about trying to protect Harry from a Bigfoot hunter named Jacques Lafleur (David Suchet) who wants to bag a great find.

The story is engaging and very funny when it wants to be. The actor playing Harry is the late, great Kevin Peter Hall who also played giant beings in "Predator" and "It Came Without Warning". The facial expressions on Harry and unique and handled very well.

The entire cast does a great job with kudos going to Joshua Rudoy as a typical gun crazy kid growing up in the big city of Seattle. I found myself laughing at quite a few things and so did Ginger.

If you're looking for light entertainment without a heavy message or anything, this is perfect. I recomend this title for a good movie watching experience and it makes for a great "date night" movie.

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