Monday, January 11, 2021


A loving tribute to what some consider to be the worst film ever made.

We are talking about Troll 2 from 1990. This was made by the child star of the film and it shows how the movie has gone from "worst film ever" to a cherished cult classic which actually has more fans than one would imagine.

I have never seen the film, but now I am going to have to. The stars of the film include an Alabama dentist named George Hardy and he is one of the main focal points of this documentary. I was amused by his very outgoing personality and how he reacted to being at a movie was much like I have felt in those places as well.

The film lets all of the people involved with the movie have a say and most seemed to have a good time with it. There are a few people that I found really odd, bugt then again that is what gives the film, and I refer to Tolls 2, it's charm.

It was also nice to see the director Claudio Fragasso come to accept this film as a bonafide cult film and yet I can fully understand his feelings about it.

If you want to see a genuine, heartfelt documentary about the people involved with a low budget film, this is the one to start with. VERY WELL MADE and HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!

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