Wednesday, January 13, 2021


Very interesting documentary on a very niche market in the film industry.

This film looks at the many, many Nazisploitation films made during the 70's and I am sure you have heard of a lot of these. I like this particular genre of films, but lets face it, most are just enjoyable trash to be watched once and then forgotten. Others just seem to stick in your head forever.

You hear from a lot of people involved in these films including Sergio Garrone and Bruni Mattei but the real treat is listening to Dyanne Thorne talk about her Ilsa films and hiow much she really appreciated being in them and the stardom they garnered her. Also I loved the interviews with Malisa Longo whom I had a huge crush on in my early years.

There are many clips from such films as Ilsa: She Wolf Of The SS (Probably the most famous of these titles), Love Camp 7, Helga: She Wolf Of Stilberg, Deported Women Of The SS and so much more.

Many of ther talking heads give their opinuons and ideas about why people watch these films, but let's again face the facts. These films aren full of what the audience wants...beautiful buxom Nazi babes, outrageous story lines, torture, SM, and a very twisted history.

These films could never be made today because of the PC garbage in the movie business and that is a VERY sad fact. These films are looked at today as being terrible and violent against women. Yeah ok, what a load of crap. I admit I enjoy them for all of the above mentioned reasons and take pride in that.

If you're a fan of this very bizarre and short lived genre, check this out. You won't be disappointed. LONG LIVE ILSA!!!!!

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