Friday, February 5, 2021


This movie is kind of as double edged sword.

What I mean is I love ultra low budget film and can respect those that make them, but the acting in this film is simply the worst I have EVER seen....anywhere...period.

The strange story revolves around two scientists who are attempting to prolong life by freezing people and then making them into mindless zombies. It's never made clear how this is supposed to work, but what the hell.

There is some interesting lame gore effects and the story is bizarre, but damn...the acting is not even above a highschool play. That really crippled this film I believe.

This is not a slap in the face to the people involved in the film, but I do have to say the whole thing could have been much better if the acting had even been a little better. I stumbled on this while surfing TUBI and decided to give it a whirl.

This is not for everyone, of course, but if you are a cinema masochist like I am you'll want to check it out. And what a bizarre ending!! Good Lord, they simply don't make movies like this anymore.

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