Friday, March 5, 2021


My wife and I REALLY enjoyed this film!!

The original release of this film in 1969 saw it in black and white with no nudity.

A color version with nudity was shot at the same time for the European market and believe it or not, this version was finally allowed to be seen in Mexico in 2012.

Santo has invented a time machine and he sends his girlfriend back into time and finds that she was the victim of a vampire in her previous life. He and a scientist barely manage to rescue her from the past.

However, some criminals have discovered this hidden tomb of Dracula in modern times and they remove the stake from his heart in hopes that he will return to life and destroy Santo.

Dracula (Aldo Monti) has a bevy of female vampires at his bidding, and yes, they do get fully naked every once in a while. I have to admit that is a shock to me in a Santo film.

Dracula begins to victimize Santo's girlfriend Louisa (Noelia Noel) in modern times until the masked hero puts a final stop to all of this. Damn, this is a fun film and looks really good in this 4k restoration. Yes, it does have a new English dubbed soundtrack, but what the hell. You may never get a chance to see this fully uncut version.

My wife has watched a LOT of films and she let it be known that she REALLY liked this film. Man, I am a lucky guy. If you like Santo films I highly recommend this. I have the DVD and it is available on Blu-ray as well.

VCI has promised more of these films are on the way. I can't wait.

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