Saturday, March 13, 2021


A rare and long lost film has finaly come to light and I had my first viewing of it. People have been writing about it since 2013, so I guess I'm a little behind the times.

This made in 1965 feature was never released anywhere to my knowledge. A prehistoric man is dug up from a multi million year old rock formation and is hailed as the scientific find of the century.

However, it is discovered that lightning bring the man back to life as this is what killed him in the first place. He kills two members of the expidition then becomes dormant again. One of the party members is convicted of the crime and sentanced to a mental asylum because everyone thinks he is crazy.

After the body is taken to a local museum it revives again and goes on a longer and more deadly rampage, until one of the professors kills it with a dinosaur bone...or did he? There is the obligatory open ending here, but that makes it more fun.

The movie was produced for around 10,000 and directed by Tom Leahy. Leahy was a very famous local DJ and then TV personality in the Wichita, Kansas area. He did his own local show entitled MAJOR ASTRO which ran from 1970-1983 on KARD TV. KARD also bankrolled this film.

While MAJOR ASTRO ran cartoons for kids, Leahy also did a late night horror movie show in Kansas called THE HOST AND RODNEY which ran from the 1960's thru the 1980's. Leahy died in 2010 but he wil always be a legend in the Wichita area.

This film is a little slow, even though it runs 60 minutes, but it is fun. The acting isn't too bad and the caveman looks like it was created by monster fans who read Famous Monsters Of Filmland. Don't get me wrong, this is all part of it's charm. Leahy plays the lead role and the monster as well.

I enoyed this a lot as I always do when something like this surfaces and when I first saw the listing on Amazon I thought it was a modern "spoof" of old horror. This will indeed remind you of such films as TEENAGERS BATTLE THE THING, but if you're a fan of long lost regional horror, then this should be a fun time for you.

I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this film and if you want to see something that will bring back a lot of memories check it out.

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