Saturday, June 12, 2021


A strange little film indeed.

I caught this on Tubi under the name "Planets Around Us" yet on the film print is the title I have listed above...oh well.

The son of a famous scientist is killed in a plane crash in the African desert. His is the only body not found when the crash is discovered.

Soon someone who looks just like he did is seen at the scene of three major sabotage efforts around the wotrld at almost the same exact time. The authorities wonder...could this be the late Robert Landerson (Michel Lemoine).

The police and major governments soon begin tracking the mysterious man and their investigation leads to Rome. It seems an alien race has created many cyborgs who look like the late Landerson and sent them to Earth to pave the way for an invasion.

It's an interesting plot which also has some romance thrown in as Robert who now as a cyborg has taken the name of Bronco is wanted by a lot of ladies including one sex starved woman named Audrey (Jany Clair). Her meeting and romancing Bronco only leads to a shocking death.

It's an interesting film that sometimes slows down, but picks right back up again and had an ending that will not disappoint any sci-fi fan.

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