Wednesday, August 11, 2021


Interesting film AKA WAR CAT.

This film started by Ray Dennis Steckler and finished by Ted Mikels. Jannia Poynter stars as Tina Davenport, a young woman who plans on writing a book based of her war hero father who is now dead.

She goes to a secluded cabin so she can concentrate. She goes jogging every day in shorts and a tank top and catches the attention of a crazy nutcase named Manny (Macka Foley). After a lot of hassles he manages to kidnap her and take her to his survivalist camp and a mad Major named Hargrove (David O' Hara) decides she must die.

She is tied to a bed and raped by every member of the group and then is set for execution. She gives the men a plan they cannot resist. She offers to let them hunt her in the mountains for sport and they quickly agree.

They get more than they bargained for as she kills them off one by one. After they have all been killed she is walking along a road and is offered a ride by two men who have been killing people at random. The movie ends with her accepting the ride but carrying a hand grenade in her hand.

A lot of people dislike this film, but I got a kick out of it. Poynter is gorgeous and plays the part of the victim turned killer very well. It's her only screen credit, which I find to be weird.

Yes, the budget is low, but that means nothing. If you get a chance you really should check this out.

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