Wednesday, August 4, 2021


I really enjoyed this little Milligan gem.

Carol (Leslie Den Dooven) and Johnathan (Michael Chiodo) are a young newlywed couple who move into a beautiful mansion ouside of New York and plan to make it their home for life.

However, after they move in bad things begin to happen and they discover that the house is haunted by the ghosts of the former owners who were also a married couple involved in a murder/suicide three years before.

At first items start moving by themselves and then people are killed after they invite their friends over to the house for a house warming party.

It seems that these ghosts do not want anyone near their home. In the end all is lost, but not in the way one would think. This was a very well made Andy Milligan film in my opinion and it should please any horror fan.

The sudden appearance of both ghosts in various parts of the house are vewry effective and some of the acting isn't half bad at all. Yes, I liked this movie and would recommend it to anyone. The Blu-ray presentation is beautiful and I was very glad to see Severin put this out on Blu-ray and make it available to everyone interested,

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