Tuesday, August 24, 2021


Well I had to see this one.

I do have some mixed feelings about this one. It open with Kong living ina virtual jungle world and not liking it one bit. He has a soft spot in hie heart for a young female child and they actually communicate.

A scheme is hatched to get Kong to lead a search party to a world inside the Earth. This seems to be ok until Godzilla shows up and the two wage war on each other with the mighty lizard winning the first battle.

After another battle an evil corporate CEO unleashes Mecha Godzilla on the world and both Kong and Godzilla fight to save the Earth.

The presentation of the movie on a whole is perfect, but I didn;t really like the human interaction in the movie. It seemed too forced and was only there to keep the monster scenes afloat.

The battles were great and yes, the CGI always bugs me. The film was escapist fun, but I do think they miss a lot of potential with the muddled stories.

I know a lot of people liked this movie so I am in a minority. I still prefer my Godzilla movies made in Japan.

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