Friday, September 24, 2021


Very good and obscure film noir.

Mala Powers stars as Sharon Carlin, a woman who boards a train and finds a man waiting for her with a gun.

He threatens to kill her and then she sees the body of a dead woman sitting in a chair. The killer knocks Sharon out and when she comes to she finds a detective there named Joe Brady (Robert Karnes) who accuses her of murder and attempts to arrest her.

Sharon manages to escape and is almost hit by a car driven by a man, Paul Colbert (Jacques Bergerac) and his young son. Paul takes his son back to his estranged wife and drops Sharon at her apartment. When Sharon enters she finds her friend Keith staying there and decides to go to a small coffee shop and talk further with Paul about what happened earlier in the evening.

After some conversation Sharon heads back to her apartment only to find Keith (John Baer) dead as well. Now Sharon knows she is being set up and enlists the aid of Paul to find out why.

There are a lot of cool twists and turns in this very well made film and it moves along very quickly. Bergerac is very good in the role of Paul, a man who is pulled into one of the most bizarre plans ever, and of course, Powers is gorgeous as always and does her usual great job.

I'm not too sure why this film is in obscurity, but it happens sometimes with little movies as we all know. I could swear I have seen this before, but it must have been many years ago.

If you're a film noir fan you really should do yourself a favor and check this one out.

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