Saturday, October 9, 2021


A horror film starring Chuck Norris.

This was the last film for The Cannon Group before they went bankrupt. This stars Norris as a Chicago cop Frank Shatter who, along with his partner Calvin Jackson (Calvin Levels) discover a murder of a Rabbi who has had his heart ripped out.

They are called to Isreal for questioning and sudden;y find themselves fighting a supernatural being called Lockley (Christopher Neame). Lockley is a demonic creature set free by theives who invaded his burial spot and stole the ancient locks keeping him entombed.

There is plenty of action, of course as Shatter and Jackson slowly learn tat this criminal is anything but human. Neame does an excellent job of playing the demon from hell.

I actually liked this film a lot and the mixing of two genres was pretty good. The film sadly tanked at the boxoffice and Cannon went out of business, but what a way to go.

If you're a Chuck Norris fan you should really check this out if you haven't already done so. It's no worse or better than any other action film, but as I said before, the supernatural twist is very good.

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