Tuesday, October 19, 2021


A great sci-fi adventure I had never seen before.

This is the first Czech sci-fi film and it's a dandy. In the year 2163 a giant spaceship that is carrying a group of people to a new planet runs into some problems.

The first problem is faulty equipment that keeps breaking down...the second is an eerie encounter with a ship full of corpses drifiting thru space on a never ending voyage and lastly there is a lot of tension between some of the crew members.

This was made when the Communists ruled Czech society and there is some anti-capatalist situations going on, but that is really to be expected in a film made during this time.

The film from Sinister is beautiful and widescreen. The black and white photography is simply wonderful, and the acting is very good. This film was pick up by AIP for US audiences.

It was recut, heavily edited and the entire concept of the story was changed. The title was also changed to "Voyage To The End Of The Universe". If you've seen this version as I have, then you NEED to see this one.

It's a thoughtful film that doesn't have much action, but it does tell a very good story. RECOMMENDED!!

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