Thursday, October 14, 2021


What a movie this turned out to be.

I knew when I saw the title I wasn't going to get a very good film, but I must admit it's so bad it's totally entertaining.

A female scientist named Lucinda Regis, played by the gorgeous Sarah French is targeted for death when it's revealed that she has been infusing sharks with human DNA.

This process has turned the sharks into land sharks that kill anyone who gets in their way. Lucinda and Dr. Foster (Peter Baldo) must track them down and kill them.

That is the basic plot of this film, but the execution is what really entertained me. The acting isn't very good, but with Sarah I forgive that because people watch her films not for her acting, but for her alone, which is cool. The monsters look like paper mache and at first are seen only gliding past the camera.

When the viewer finally sees them, it's a belly laugh. It reminded me of the Nathan Schiff classic from 1979 entitled "Weasels Rip My Flesh" which was done for very little money.

I enjoyed the film, but my God they could have put a little more effort into the monsters. Have fun with this is you decide to watch it. Hell just watch it for French.

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