Saturday, October 30, 2021


I had never heard of this title before.

This is actually the S.F. Brownrigg classic "Keep My Grave Open" but retitled for some reason.

I hadn't seen this for at least 10 years and so it was a nice discovery on TUBI. Camilla Carr stars as Lesley, a beautiful woman in her mid 30's that life on an isolated farm with her brother Kevin.

Anyone who comes on the property without permission is killed in a very violent way as we see with the opening scene of a hobo played by Bill Thurman who is done away with after he steals food from the house.

On the outside everything appears normal, but Lesley is a deeply troubled person. Several more muders occure and Lesley tells her brother Kevin that he must stop the killing.

Kevin never comes out of his room except to kill people and Lesley sinks deeper and deeper into depression and sexual frustration. I won't give away the ending, but it is kind of a surprise and I found it most interesting.

This is another fine regional horror film shot in Texas and it also stars Steven Tobolowski, Annabelle Weenick, Gene Ross and Chelcie Ross. A good, demented thriller that should please horror fans.

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