Friday, November 26, 2021


Ugh...what a waste.

Hey, the title caught my attention so I figured I'd give it a whirl. My mistake.

Two people discover a giant starfish monster that has magma for blood. The monster rises to the surface and heads for the coast. What coast you ask? Who the hell cares?

It lays eggs from which come flying dragon-like monsters that spit lava. Soon, another monster comes to life as well and this movie leads you to believe there will be an epic battle. However, the epic battle is staying awake during this drivel.

I usually find Eric Roberts to be an interersting figure in movies, but here he sucks. It's amusing to see him in the wrong uniform and badly needing a haircut as he protrays a Navy "commander".

Good God, if this is what film making has become we movie fans are in trouble indeed. Granted, it's made by The Asylum, but even they have done much better than this trash. For heavens sake avoid this if at all possible. I lost 89 minutes of my life and you needn't suffer the same fate.

Typically bad CGI effects, rotten acting and no direction at all and it adds up to a total loser of a "movie".

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