Thursday, March 3, 2022


One of the oddest titles I have ever seen!

This starts with Adam (Mark Gregory) coming into creation of thge world and getting lonely. One night while sleeping on the beach a woman comes to him and her name is Eve (Andrea Goldman).

They are both very happy with each other until a serpent convinces Eve to eat of a forbidden fruit. She convinces Adam to eat as well and both are cast out of paradise.

They both find themselves battling the elements as well as hunting food for survival. In their travels they come across several tribes of men and one group just happens to be cannibals.

This is actually a prtty tame film that plays more like a "Blue Lagoon" rip off than anything horror related. It will hold your interest, and it does have a good pace to it, but don't expect to usual Italian gore film.

I did enjoy this film and as I said, it was one of the oddest I have ever seen. Recommended!!

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