Monday, March 28, 2022


Not too bad of a thriller, but hey Elizabeth Kaitan is in it so it's gotta be worth seeing.

The gorgeous Kaitan is Donna, one of four students along with their professor (Jack Sarrett) who journey to a house in the mountains.

This house is said to be haunted and the students are there to perform experiments dealing with paranormal activities and other supernatural things. But as usual things don't go as planned.

The professor starts to get too involved in his work, and soon the students cannot tell what is real and what is not. There are some gruesome incidents including the professor cutting off the finger of one of the students.

Things really get weird and before you know it everything seems to be a hallucination. The film is well acted and Kaitan steals the show as she always does. She has a brief nude scene which is ok with me.

Brian Thompson has a great role as Dean, a man who is NEVER happy about anything. This should hold your ttention if you're an 80's horror fan, and don't pay attention to all the negative comments. See it for yourself and decide.

The rest of the cast includes Alisha Das, Clayton Rohner, Robert Tessier and Tom Dugan as "Wendall" and he is great comedy relief.

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