Saturday, March 5, 2022


A great cast and a great western adventure.

Robert Wagner stars as Jess Harker, a young man who is frustrated with his life in a small town. He decides to leave but the stagecoach owner gives him a chance to run the coach on a very important ride.

Also on the coach is a huge shipment of gold as well as his best friend, a guard named Race (Dale Robertson). At the first stop a group of robbers hold the coach up. Jess refuses to leave Race behind and this costs them the gold as well as the life of a woman passenger named Waco (Lola Albright).

Jess vows to get the money back with the help of Sheriff Tom Davisson (Rory Calhoun). They round up most of the bandits, but Race seeks the leader, Slater (John Kellogg) by himself against the advice of the sheriff.

All of this culminates in a terrific climax that almost costs Race his life. The actors are on top of their game in this well made film. The rest of the cast includes Kathleen Crowley, J. M. Kerrigan, Ian McDonald and John Douchette.

If you're a Westerns fan you will want to check this out. It's fast paced, well acted and directed and who could resist a movie with both Kathleen Crowley and Lola Albright? HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!

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