Monday, March 7, 2022


Very good western I stumbled on.

This is based on a Louis L'Amour short story, and it packs a hell of a punch.

The plot is very simple. A group of big business men and ranchers are all fighting each other for control of a very beautiful valley called Ruby Hills.

Their fighting is brought to a sudden stop when they discover that a stranger in town named Ross Haney (Zachary Scott) owns all the water rights. This was a legal issue they had all overlooked.

It's also soon discovered that a man named Robert Vernon (Rick Vallin) and his sister Sherry (Carole Mathews) are also entered into the battle. Sherry falls for Ross and he decides to help the two win the small war that is developing.

Now this is entertainment! This movie is very fast paced and it's sometimes hard to keep up with all the slimy characters running around. All of the baddies try and get rid of Ross, but none of them have any success.

The rest of the cast is a dream. It includes Barton MacLane, Dick Foran, Gordon Jones, Raymond Hatton, Lee Van Cleef, Gordon Jones and the always gorgeous Lola Albright.

I really can't see any westerns fan wouldn't love this film. Scott is at his best here. VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!

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