Sunday, August 21, 2022



I don't care all the nay sayers complain about, this film is nothing but fun entertainment from start to finish.

Samantha Egger stars as a young woman naed Jennifer who goes to Mexico to visit her husband Mark (Roy Jenson) who is working in a Silver mine. After several bizarre accidents, the workers refuse to work anymore.

Mark and Jennifer go down into the mine and discover an old chamber where supernatural rites were practiced. They discover a small container shaped like a hand and they take it back to their hotel room.

Mark gets drunk and opens the container and out popsa demonic hand that possesses Mark and forces him to kill. Jennifer is perplexed to say the least. The hand jumps from person to person and everyone it takes control of must kill.

It's a wacky idea, but this film really works. It also has some great lines such as a police officer telling a plastic surgeon "Cut off my hand of I'll kill you".

The film moves along very well and the cast does a very good job. Speaking of the cast it also includes Stuart Whitman, Haji, Erika Carlsson and Lew Saunders.

Forget all the "fanboy" critics. Check this film out and I guarantee you'll be entertained. The Blu-ray looks great and the world owes Vinegar Syndrome a huge thanks for getting this out on disc.

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