Saturday, August 27, 2022


The film debut of Roddy Piper.

Donald G. Jackson brings us this well made, low budget film that never slows down and has some excellent set pieces.

After a nuclear war 68% of the population has been wiped out and the human race is facing and end sinca almost all of the men have been destroyed or are sterile.

Piper stars as Sam Hell, a very potent male who is captured and used by the Government to procreate the race. He and a warrior named Centinella (Cec Verrell) and a government official named Spangle (Sandahl Bergman) travel to Frogtown where a large population of mutants live.

Their mission is to rescue a group of women are bring held captive by the mutants and their leader Toti. This is a very fun film and if you just let your mind go you'll enjoy every damned minute of it.

The women are all good looking, of course, and Sandahl Bergman steals the show as an official with a gorgeous body who wants Sam in the worst way, but must stay with the mission.

Rory Calhoun gives a good performance as Looney Tunes, a man helping the mutants mine precious metal to sell to others. The cast is pretty impressive for a Donald Jackson film, and it was distributed by New World Pictures. After this Piper would go on the work with John Carpenter on "They Live".

You really should see this if you haven't. It's always nice to see Bergman in her prime.

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