Saturday, August 6, 2022


I decided to pick this up on Blu-ray as the only print I have is a faded and worn out copy from Tree Line media.

I try and watch this every Christmas as this is THE Christmas film I grew up with. I never liked all those other traditional Christmas time films very much. Oh I'd watch them, but until I saw this one when I was young, I was never impressed.

While not saying much for my sanity, I have a very fond spot for this film in my heart. Watching it during the hot summer is indeed a mind twisting experience, but then again I am compelled to do so.

Everyone reading this already knows the plot of Martians kidnapping Santa and taking him to Mars so that the children of Mars can again be happy.

This film is such an easy mark for "bad" film reviews and that isn't something you'll see here. If you care to, check out this film during the holiday season and relive being a young kid again. In this day and age that's hard for most people to do, but hell, give it a try.

The disc also includes 45 minutes of cool Christmas shorts, PSA's and much more. Those are a real treat to see as well. It also includes a trailer for the movie, which I also fondly remember.

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