Sunday, September 11, 2022


This film is a perfect reason I like searching streaming channels for the bizarre stuff.

It seems some gruesome murders have been occuring at a posh L.A. spa. Men and women have been killed by scalding showers among other things, and the police are investigating.

Lt. Fletcher (Frank McCarthy) and his partner Sgt. Stone (Rosalind Cash) are trying to track down the killer and lean very hard on the club owner Michael Evans (William Bumiller).

Everyone seems perplexed at the killings as they are very random and there is never any clue as to who did it. Turns out it's the ghost of Michael's first wife that is haunting him. The ghost is missing him and wants him back at all costs.

The ghost is played by the gorgeous Shari Shattuck and I wish I could be haunted like that. Anyway, the killing continue until Michael comes up with an cleaver way to kill the spirit.

There are some great set pieces in this film and some well done gore killings. The film has an open ending, of course, but there was no sequel as this film was barely even seen when it came out.

On a trivia point the all female nude shower scene was done when the producers contacted a porn film office looking for women for that scene alone. Smart men indeed.

The rest of the cast includes Brenda Bakke, Merritt Butrick, Ken Foree, Robert Lipton, Vanessa Bell and Tane McClure.

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