Friday, September 9, 2022


Finally, after almost 20 years I got to see this movie!!

This is a very detailed look at a forgotten genre of movies...The Highway Safety films. These were run in schools thru the country during the 50's and 60's and even into the early 70's.

I saw a few of these and the scared me to death. However it wasn't until the 1980's that I got to see many more of them thanks to Mike Vraney and Something Weird Video.

These were films that were made in order to show students what accidents on highways are really like, and they pulled no punches. You get to see dead and mangled bodies, even those of infants.

These are far scarier than anything you'll see in a regular movie and that was the intent. Death is not pretty and I believe that these films would have a good impact on people if shown to them today.

The makers of these films speak out for the first time about how they made these and the history behind them. Many people are interviewed but it was very nice to see the late Mike Vraney discussing these gems.

Once seen these films such as "Red Asphalt, "Signal 30", and "Wheels Of Tragedy" are not soon forgotten. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!! It's now streaming on TUBI as well, so check it out.

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