Thursday, November 24, 2022


Lee Frost directed this very odd film.

Sondra Currie plays Lacy Bond, a young policewoman who joins up with an all female gang of drug runners in order to bring the gang down once and for all.

Now, while that simple plot like does not sound too bizarre, trust me, this movie is. I don't mean that in a bad way either. The gang is run by an elderly woman and her young stud lover who keeps the girls in line.

There is a lot of great 70's scenery in this film as well as kick ass action and nice looking women are everywhere. It's interesting to note that even with the films title, there are no actual policewomen in sight. Currie's character is actually a prison gusrd and her would be helper, Pam (Jeannia Bell) is a Federal agent.

The director and his co-writer on the film, Wes Bishop are much better known for such films as "The Thing With Two Heads" and "Love Camp 7" but this film stands on it's own. If you like a simple plot, beautiful women and plenty of ass kicking action, then this is for you.

There is a lot of humor in the film as well, but if you didn;t grow up in the right era you might not get it at all. The rest of the cast includes Tony Young, William Smith, Laurie Rose, Phil Hoover and Eileen Saki.

Check it out if you want. I don't think you'll be disappointed.

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