Sunday, March 12, 2023


Not too bad of a time waster.

Dolph Lundgren is He-Man and he is out to save the universe from Nancy Pel....oops I mean Skeletor (Frank Langella). This is, of course pure comic book hokum, but it's easy to get involved with the story.

As was usual with most Cannon films from the 80's, this is nothing but non-stop action from start to finish. There is very little in the way of plot and I summed it up in the first line of this write-up.

Langella has stated many times that this was one of, if not his favorite role and it really shows. The cast is very good at what they do and there are a few familiar faces here including Billy Barty as Gwildor, Meg Foster, Jon Cypher, Christina Pickles, Barry Livingston, Gwynne Gilford and, of course, Courtney Cox.

The film was made for about 22 million dollars and yet it failed to gross all of it's money back at the time of it's release. That is one thing I cannot understand as it is no worse than anything else, but then again movies are crap shoots. Some times you win, sometimes you lose.

I enjoyed it for what ir was and expected nothing more than what it is. Escapist fun.

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