Sunday, June 11, 2023


Very odd and somewhat interesting Italian crime film.

The film opens with a young child who witnesses her father kill her mother and her lover before turning the gun on himself.

Flash to the present with Mariale (Evelyn Stewart) inviting several friends and their spouses to her mansion for what is supposed to be a nice and quiet weekend get together.

It isn't long before the group get involved in an orgy and then the people are killed in gruesome ways one by one. The orgy scene is long and boring and I couldn't wait for it to end so maybe we could get to the murders.

The best scene in the entire movie involves one of the guests killed in a swimming pool by being hit with a pipe over and over. Other than this, the film doesn't know what it wants to be.

This was an ok movie, but it did not hold my attention well and that is odd for an Italian mystery. It's your choice to watch it, but in my opinion you might be better off skipping this one.

Even the ending is really no surprise.

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