Saturday, June 10, 2023


This has been called the best documentary about professional wrestling ever made.

This profiles the private and business lives of several wrestlers including Mick Foley, Terry Funk, Jake "The Snake" Roberts and others.

There is some very interesting things including what some of their wives think of their husbands profession and how it affects the lives of everyone. The most disturbing is Jake Roberts. We see him after he has taken several snorts of cocaine, and the effect it has on him.

It also shows the reactions of Mick Foley's wife and children during his epic match against The Rock where he takes about a dozen chair shots to the head.

These are the disturbing aspects of the business nobody sees and at the time this was the only documentary to show the real other side of the business. It ain't pretty.

The WWF was opposed to this film and didn't want it shown, but too bad, it came out anywhere to great critical acclaim. As with all of these documentaries, you have to be a fan to understand what this is really all about.


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