Sunday, June 25, 2023


This is the MOST twisted knock off of the "Most Dangerous Game" I have ever seen, or probably will see for that matter.

The original version of this film ran 55 minutes, but this version is needlessly padded out with scenes of naked women, and that kind of slows the movie down, but it's still crazy.

A psychotic woman named Virginia (Eileen Lord) offers three men $100,000 if they can survive in Manhatten while she hunts them down. She kills with a crossbow and other means.

This is, of course, an ultra low budget affair, but my God the people in this film seem either really creepy or insane. I choose the latter. Virginia is truely insane as she plans her killings and in how she stalks her victims.

This was available for years on DVD from Something Weird, but I never got a chance to see it. The ending of the film is very shocking, and the final scene will stay with you for some time to come.

I can't recommend this for everyone, but if you like off the wall, twisted cinema, then this is really for you. I wish I had more information on the making of this film. I bet that would make a story to read!!

See this by all means.

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