Saturday, July 29, 2023


A low budget and strange anthology horror film from Troma.

The always wonderful Debbie Rochon stars as Tara, an insane female seriel killer.

While awaiting her execution time she reads three tales of terror to a jailer played by Gunnar Hanson. The first tale in entitled "Watery Grave" and it concerns a young woman named Sherry Simpson (Amy Beattie) who is haunted by memories of her two missing children, both of whom may have drowned.

As the tale progresses we learn Sherry killed her children and now the water logged corpses are seeking revenge on both her and her lover.

The second tale is called "White Trash Love Story" and concerns a young, abused wife named Heidi Mae (Jennifer Peluso) who is constantly tortured by her redneck hubby Joe Mark (David Holland).

After being beaten and whipped one too many times Heidi seeks out a local witch who gives her a potion to use and rid herself of Joe Mark. The witch tells her she must get something of his and mix it in the liquid, but DO NOT get anything of hers in it or there will be dire consequenses.

Well needless to say things don't go as planned and a tear from Heidi falls into the potion. I won't give away the end, but it is a good twist to a very good tale.

The third and final stay is entitled "Big Rhonda" and is about a motorcycle gang that heads to Mexico for drugs, but first stops off in a secret burial ground to pay homage to their eternal leader "Big Rhonda".

They have a new member and he just cannot figure out what is going on,but being part of the gang he just goes with it. It turns out Rhonda protects the gang from cops and others who would interfere with their drug trafficking. The new member, who is an undercover cop finds out the hard way.

This final tale was ok, but damn it had so much potential and it never took advantage of anything. The very sexy J.J. North is Rhonda, and we never get to see her much.

Tara's execution time arrives and she has a big surprise for the evil prison guards who have made her life hell as well. Look, I liked this film better than I thought I would, and for a Troma film, it ain't too bad.

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