Sunday, September 24, 2023


Bruno Mattei directed this blatent Jaws rip off that actually did have a few entertaining moments.

This film actually lifts footage from Jaws as well as Jaws 2, Jaws 3 and Deep Blood. It's a simple story about a huge shark terrorizing a beach in Florida, but just the way this is presented makes it ok in my book. I can't explain that comment so I'm not gonna try.

The best line in the movie comes when a character says "We're gonna need a bigger Helicopter!!"

I'm a huge euro-trash fan and so I can't really say anything bad about the film except some of the acting is a bit off, but hey, what do you expect. The shark seems to be even larger than the one in Jaws and there are some cool scenes of it as it eats it's victims.

I loved the scene when it raised it's head out of the water and was in the process of eating a diver. Classic stuff her I'm telling you. This is a gem for schlock fans and I have to say I would recommend it for anyone.

The cast is made up of unknowns from Florida and I guess that adds a more real feel to the film. Can you believe I just said that? Oh well, if you want check it out...I bet you'll enjoy it too.

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