Sunday, September 10, 2023


Another fast and furious Republic serial.

Spencer Gordon Bennett and William Whitnry directed this serial which is considered to be one of the best ever made.

During the course of 15 exciting chapters Rod Cameron stars as Government agent Rex Bennett, who along with his partners Agent Chang Sing (Roland Got) and Agent Vivian Marsh (Constance Worth) fight the evil yellow peril fron Japan under the guidence of Oyama Haruchi (Nino Pipitone).

Haruchi is always trying to foil the US war effort as well as plan for an invasion from Japan. However, Bennett and his friends are there to stop him at every turn.

This is a super fast paced serial that has some excellent stunt work and a plot that fits right into the time it was made. Haruchi is the perfect criminal for this serial and just ignore anyone who says it's racist. They say this because they are watching this thru the eyes of 2023.

The 15 chapters are 1. Yellow Peril 2. Japanese Inquisition 3. Arsenal of Doom 4. Deadly Sorcery 5. Celestial Murder 6. Death And Destruction 7. Iron Monster 8. Beast Of Tokyo 9. Watery Grave 10. The Dragon Strikes 11. Suicide Mission 12. Dead On Arrival 13. Condemned Cargo 14. Flaming Coffin 15. Democracy In Action.

There are some great set pieces including Vivian using a tommy gun to blast the villians and the black bird Haruchi uses to kill his enemies and deliver secret messages.

I enjoyed this a lot and I think you will too if you give it a try.

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