Thursday, September 14, 2023


I found the concept very interesting.

A group of people on a secluded beach find that somehow they are aging rapidly and their lives will only last a single day.

There are many great little scenes in here but the one that really caught me by suprise was when two children were talking to a couple of adults and saying they were 6 and 11 but they look more like teenagers.

Why is that? because they are getting older very quickly. Also the pregnancy scenes is not easily forgotten. Very odd film indeed.

The movie does hit a good point with it's statement about how people are so consumed with age and looks thet they miss the good things in life. The ending is also bizarre as we find that all of this is caused by Big Pharma and their medical experiments.

Gee what a shocker that big pharma would kill people just to develope new medicines. There are a lot of bad things said about this movie, but once you get into it you might like it like I did.

The film stars nobody I ever heard of, but that is because it was released in 2021 and I don't follow new cinema very much. The movie will stick with you for several days and that means they did something right.

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