Sunday, September 3, 2023


Another wild serial from Republic.

This 12 chapter epic opens up with Ray "Crash" Corrigan graduating from Annapolis and then joining Prof. Norton ( C. Montague Shaw) and a female reporter named Diana Compton (Lois Wilde) as they search for the cause of mysterious earthquakes in Nortons rocket pewered submarine.

They are pulled into the bizarre world of Atlantis which is ruled by Sharad (William Farnum) but under attack by the cruel Unga Khan (Monta Blue) who is intent on taking over Atlantis and the conquering the surface world.

From the very moment they arrive the action never stops as Corrigan and crew are always on the run or fighting Khan. Of course they have an army of clunky robots and I always get a kick out of those things.

Raymond Hatton and Lon Chaney, Jr. play two soldiers working for the evil Khan and both are always a pleasure to see in anything. The rest of the cast includes Lee Van Atta, Boothe Howard and Smiley Burnette.

This is a fast moving and really fun adventure that I recommend for anyone who wants to go back to a much more simple time in the world. One of the best ever.

The chapters are 1. Beneath The Ocean Floor 2. The Undersea City 3. Arena Of Death 4. Revenge Of The Volkites 5. Prisoners Of Atlantis 6. The Juggernaut Strikes 7. The Submarine Trap 8. Into The Metal Tower 9. Death In The Air. 10. Atlantis Destoryed 11. Flamind Death 12. Ascent To The Upper World.

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