Wednesday, January 17, 2024

RIP DANA GHIA 1932-2024

The well known Italian actress has passed away.

If you're a fan of Italian cinema and Giallo, you know who she is. Ghia had a 20 year career in movies and appeared in such films as "4 Dollars Of Revenge", "Django The Last Killer", "The Dirty Outlaw" and "Today We Kill, Tomorrow We Die".

Those were made in the 60's and as the 70's came to be she made her move into Giallo movies such as "The Bloodstained Butterfly", Nine Guests For a Crime", "Smile Before Death", "Seven Deaths In A Cat's Eye", "So Young, So Lovely, So Vicious" and many others.

The beautiful Ghia passed away on January 15th, 2024 at the age of 91.

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