Wednesday, February 28, 2024


One of the best to EVER step in a wrestling ring has died.

You knew him better as Ole Anderson. He started his career in 1967 after being trained by Dick The Bruiser and Verne Gagne. He wrestled in the American Wrestling Association.

He worked his way thru the business and became one of the biggest heels ever to grace the sport. He was a founding member of "The Four Horsemen" and his career long feud with Dusty Rhodes is the thing legends are made of.

In later years he echoed my feelings about how corporate america had destroyed the sport of wrestling. There will NEVER be another Ole Anderson, and the so-called wrestlers today couldn't even tie his boots.

Rest in Peace Alan. You will never be forgotten. Rogowski passed away on February 26th, 2024 at the age of 81.

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