Sunday, February 18, 2024


Not too bad of a 90's thriller.

Tony Maggio stars as John Herbert, a struggling screenwriter who is kicked out of his married girlfriends apartment after an argument.

He has been suffering from writer's block and must come up with a good script in order to make some money. He is directed by a friend to a boarding house run by a lovely, but strange woman named Gina (Monique Parent).

The other tenents are bizarre as well. Two of them are retired actresses. One, Anita Bronson (Anita Page) is elderly and hasn't been in a film for over 60 years, and has more than one mental problem.

The other problems John has to deal with is a murder he is suddenly involved in, but he makes the best of it and writes a movie script based on all of this stuff he is going thru.

There are so many weird set pieces in this movie that I guarantee it will hold your attention, and if that doesn't work, we at least have Monique Parent topless in several scenes.

It is interesting to note that actress Anita Page was in this film and hadn't been in a movie for 60 years...just like her character in the film. The ending is twisted and so wrong, but it works very well.

The rest of the cast includes Corbin Timbrook, April Breneman, Scott Forrest and Margaret O' Brien.

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