Thursday, May 9, 2024


This movie actually made 60 minutes seem like a lifetime.

I first heard of this movie when I read about it in the Psychotronic Movie Book in the 1980's. I finally got to see it.

A sleazy Dance Hall run by Umberto Scalli (Timothy Farrell) is a cover for other illegal activities. Scalli uses his sadistic bodyguards to keep everyone in line.

You know, I usually like films directed by Phil Tucker because they include such gems as "Cape Canaveral Monsters" and "Robot Monster", but I gotta admit this one is pathetic.

The acting is abysmal and the film seems only to be famous for the casting of Lenny Bruce and his wife Honey Harlow. Well that isn't enough for me to enjoy the movie.

After waiting 30 plus years to see this and then being very let down, all I can say is it'll be another 30 years before I watch it again and by that time I'll be in my 90's!!

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