Thursday, May 16, 2024


A very well made Hammer Film.

This very downbeat film starts out with a young woman, Elizabeth Zorn (Gillian Hills) and another older woman named Hilda (Yvonne Mitchell) riding in a coach and right away we know something is wrong because Hilda forces Elizabeth to drink something.

When they arrive back at the huge manor in which they live we discovee that Elizabeth has a brother named Emil (Shane Briant) and both are kept apart and locked in their rooms. Their father, Baron Friedrich Zorn runs the home like a prison.

We are given small hints at what is happening, but it really becomes clear that the two yong people are essentially victims of their mad father, but Emil is no angel as we see later in the movie.

The story moves along well and gets more sinister as the plot thickens, and it finally comes down to a very bleak ending that will shock nobody familiar with horror films, but it works none the less.

This was Briant's film debut and he handle the role well, and you can see he had a lot of talent and of cousre went on to make may movies for Hammer and other studios.

The rest of the cast includes Paul Jones, Patrick Magee, Kenneth J. Warren and Virginia Wetherell.

The Blu-ray presentation is, of course beautiful, and this is one of those films I believe every horror fan should check out.

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